כרמיה ישראל
English and Brazilian Portuguese
Acerca de
2025 Texas
Pastor Israel is available to speak in Dallas in Texas to share the truth of what is happening in Israel and Bible prophecy.
Brazil March-April
Pastor Israel spoke in various congregations in Rio de Janeiro March-April 2024.
Topics include:
Testimony of ministry to Jews and Muslims in Israel
Eschatology – What Must Happen Before Yeshua the Messiah Returns
Midrash on the Book of Esther, a romantic story with deep Jewish Midrash about the Jewish people and Gentiles, who form the united bride of the Messiah of Israel
Midrash on John 2, the wedding in Cana of Galilee
Jacob's Trouble
Messiah Son of Joseph, Messiah Son of David
Texas U.S.A January
Testified in Fort Worth
Florida U.S.A.
Orlando September-November.
Brazil June-August
Speaking tour in Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis and Paracambi.
Since June 2023 Pr Israel spoke in the following places marked on the map.

DFW Texas
Pr Israel testified and taught in Texas from 22 September to 26 September 2022.