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Se você é judeu, você tem o direito de saber quem é o seu Messias!

אם כן אתה יהודי, זכותך לדעת מי המשיח שלך
על תשאל הרבנים שלא מצאו את המשיח, תשאל הרבנים שמצאו את המשיח
איך אתה יודע עם רבי מצא את המשיח, תשאל אותו, אם יכעס, אתה יודע שהוא לא מצא את המשיח

Ex Muslims and Muslims are invited to speak to us.

The primary activities of this ministry are:

  • Sharing the Good News of Yeshua with Jews and Muslims with more than 20 years of experience in Israel.

  • Bible seminars from the Hebrew Scriptures for Christians. Pastor Israel Travis does teaching tours in different countries abroad. He is available to come testify. Sample video links will be sent on request.

  • Sharing the truth of events in Israel as an eyewitness and Israeli citizen living in Israel

Below are a few news updates. Please see our Facebook and Instagram. The links are at the bottom of the page.

Cyberattack on all Israelis


This weekend Israelis are experiencing cyberattacks on accounts ranging from LinkedIn to FaceBook.

All Israelis are recommended to use two-factor authentication on every account possible and to use a VPN to change their virtual location to a different country.

Israel is fighting a multifront war on the following 8 fronts, Hamas in Gaza, Hebollah in Lebanon, Iran, terrorists in Judea and Samaria, militias in Iraq and Iran, Houthi rebels in Yemen, media war and cyberattacks on government, military and financial related computers.​ These are all financed by Iran.

Mosab Hassan Yousef
Guerra em Israel

Os terroristas do Hamas invadiram Israel na manhã de sábado, 7 de outubro de 2023. A invasão foi aérea, terrestre e marítima. As Forças de Defesa de Israel foram apanhadas de surpresa quando a maioria dos israelitas, incluindo soldados, celebraram Simchat Torá no sábado após a Festa dos Tabernáculos. Até agora, os terroristas tinham matado mais de 1.300 Israelitas.

Sderot, uma cidade situada muito perto de Gaza, a cerca de 700 metros de distância, foi um dos principais focos deste ataque. Os terroristas invadiram e mataram todos que viram nas ruas, até mesmo os não-judeus. Eles atacaram com ódio e de forma desumana.

Sderot é o epicentro deste ataque e muitos dos residentes fugiram da cidade porque os terroristas do Hamas invadiram casas e mataram pessoas.

Ao entrarem em casas de outra comunidade, os soldados israelitas encontraram 40 bebés e crianças massacrados, alguns dos quais tiveram as cabeças cortadas!

A maioria dos moradores fugiu para salvar suas vidas e outros estão escondidos em suas casas há quatro dias, sem luz, água e internet. Os terroristas estão entrando nas casas e matando todo mundo. Esta é a maior tragédia que se abateu sobre a nação judaica desde a Guerra da Independência.

Mas, de acordo com a Fox News, os e-mails vazados revelam que a CBC disse aos repórteres para não usarem a palavra “terrorista” na cobertura do Hamas. A CBC está do lado dos terroristas? São políticos ou jornalistas?

Ore pelos soldados. Ore pelas famílias que ficaram sem seus bebês. Reze pelas jovens que foram violentadas, por todos que foram raptados, inclusive idosos e que agora estão mantidos como reféns na Faixa de Gaza, sem medicamentos, sem qualquer esperança ou alívio. Estamos vivendo uma dor sem precedentes.

Os dias estão piorando, já sabemos, estamos caminhando para o tempo do fim. Jesus disse em Mateus 24:6 “Ouvireis falar de guerras e rumores de guerras, mas não tenhais medo. Tais coisas devem acontecer, mas o fim ainda não chegou.”

Nossa única esperança está em Jesus nosso Senhor e Salvador que nos dá forças para seguir, fé e nos guiará pelos caminhos certos nestes dias de tribulação.

Por favor, ore pela proteção do povo escolhido de Deus.

Sderot é o lugar de nascimento do Ministério Carmiyah, onde trabalhamos nesta região de Sderot-Ashkelon desde 2008.

Passover 2023 Message


Rabi Yeshua, o Messias judeu, não foi crucificado na Páscoa. Os cananeus adoravam Ashtoret e os gentios davam graças a seus deuses pela colheita de acordo com seu calendário pagão. Deus deu aos judeus Seu calendário hebraico, que é lunar. Ele os instruiu a guardar a Páscoa no dia 14 de Nissan. Foi neste dia que Yeshua foi crucificado.

Mateus 27:33-35 "E, chegando a um lugar chamado Gólgota, isto é, lugar da Caveira, deram-lhe a beber vinagre misturado com fel. provou, não quis beber.
Então o crucificaram, e repartiram as suas vestes, lançando sortes, para que se cumprisse o que fora dito pelo profeta: Repartiram entre si as minhas vestes, e sobre as minhas vestes lançaram sortes. 

Israeli Children Alienated Against their Father

Many Israeli children have been alienated against their father (who pays child maintenance) by the mother and there are no laws to stop this. In the past there were protests by fathers in Tel Aviv but it came to nothing. There is risk of civil war breaking out. Please pray for the safety of the nation of Israel (God's ancient people).

Jewish Israelis forced into exile from Israel and lose their families

Have you heard of this?

There are Jews who gave up their lives and homes is the diaspora to come home to Israel and make a new start, only to be forced into permanent exile and start over again in the country they came from.

How can this be? 

Jews face enormous challenges of finding work, language and adjusting to life and culture in Israel. Rent and the cost of living is significantly higher than in most countries Jewish immigrants come from. This can strain marriages to the point of breaking.

Child welfare in many regions is dominated by secular feminists who have a biased agenda and think they are doing women a favour by encouraging them to divorce and claim child maintenance. Under Israeli law child support is higher than in many other countries. The laws are very outdated and were written in a time that few women worked. The Israeli Knesset gives these outdated laws little attention for reform because they meet frequently for emergency security meetings because of foreign enemies.

Many Jewish immigrants don’t have family in Israel beyond their household and when an immigrant who is still learning Hebrew and working a minimal wage job as he is still integrating into Israeli society, is forced to pay high child support for several children, he cannot pay his own rent as well. He has no family to live with and has no option but to flee the State of Israel and return to the country of his birth.

His children will grow up in poverty and go to school hungry without a father figure in the home. Usually their mother puts the blame on the father and the children are enticed into drugs and prostitution because of their dire situation. Research has shown that children alienated from their father are not able to keep a job and succeed in marriage.

Those children will have children who will grow up in poverty and live off welfare and the cycle repeats.

I had the opportunity to listen many times to a lawyer who practiced for more than 35 years in Israel who had South American clients as she grew up in Argentina and could speak Spanish. She told me many such stories. It is very sad to hear what happens to the children and the father living in exile having lost his family. Due to the exile, he cannot get his divorce recognised outside of the State of Israel and cannot remarry and usually commits adultery as a result.

The mother can remarry as she is living in Israel and is not in exile.

Many such fathers cannot afford legal representation and their story is not told.

Please pray for these families.

Friends of Israel and the Jews

Friends of Israel and the Jewish nation include:

  • St Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Benoni South Africa

  • Rev Prof Jerry Pillay the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches

  • Benoni Central Methodist Church in South Africa

  • Rev Brian Smith of the Church of Scotland

The members of these congregations and their ministers love and support the Jewish nation. Please lift them up in your prayers. God has special blessings for those who bless the apple of his eye.

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