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Special Report


Memorial Day

11 May 2016

Last night (Tuesday night), Israelis throughout Israel attended memorial ceremonies to remember the soldiers who died defending the State of Israel. We are constantly in a state of war because we have neighbours who hate Jews.
Today (Wednesday) is still Memorial Day. If you support God's chosen nation, why don't you take a minute of silence to remember the fallen soldiers?














Rain and More Rain

28 November 2014


Sign 1:


Rain in the land of Israel throughout history, present and future is a sign of blessing from God. For a week ending Wednesday night, it rained day and night in the centre of the country causing flooding. In some parts of Ashqelon the water level was half the height of cars (sedans). I personally was in Ashqelon on Thursday and witnessed the flooding.

















The Israel Meteorological Society reported that since the end of September, three times the annual rainfall in the Judean Mountains and the lower Shfela (southern coast) region fell in the same region. And also that more rain fell during this past November than in any rainy season in the past 20 years.


Sign 2:


I remind you that we are in the period of a tetrad, 4 blood moons on consecutive Hebrew holy days and a solar eclipse which is also a sign from heaven. On our Facebook status update we posted an article on tetrads. In the same year as several tetrads Jews conquered land (including the Land of Israel).


Sign 3:


We are in the year of shmita (year of rest for the land) which historically was a time of blessing for Israel.




With all these signs the same year, we can be sure that some great blessing will come to Israel before the end of 2015. I think that there will be some connection to conquering or acquiring land, this of course will make the rulers of the earth hate Israel even more and Psalm 2 is fulfilled daily. Despite the rulers of the earth hating God, His Messiah and Israel, God's will will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Matthew 6:10.



Many Hard Working Honest Israeli Fathers being sent to Prison

1 October 2014


Many Israeli fathers are arrested every year and go to prison for not being able to pay child maintenance (מזונות כטינים). It is common in Israel when a company completes a project, it fires the people who worked on the project and hires new employees/contractors the following year when the new project is scheduled. The result is that Israeli fathers are frequently in a position of no or very little income and are not able to pay child maintenance and are convicted as common thieves. Many Israeli women find divorce financially attractive because of outdated laws that make it easy for a divorced mother to get a lot of maintenance money irrespective of her salary. Please pray for an overall of the legal system lest the LORD permit something bad to befall this country. This is a very urgent status quo!



Israeli Government Betrays Fathers of Jewish Children

15 November 2014


This poster is an official Israeli government poster, I photographed it in a public Israeli government building in Ashkelon. The pic comes from an Israeli government campaign video in which the girl's mother cannot afford the dress that the girl WANTS. The mother is wearing camouflage military uniform to get child maintenance (alimony) from the girl's father.

The text on the poster translates, "New service and collection enforcement authority. Individual track collection of alimony."

People of God, this advertising campaign was financed with taxes paid by Israeli fathers and is encouraging mothers of Israeli children to get militant against the fathers of their children. Such campaigning teaches Jewish Israeli children that their father is an enemy.

Fathers who lose their job and cannot pay child maintenance in Israel go to jail.

Please pray for divorced fathers in Israel as they are treated like criminals and even like enemies from another country.

If you worship the God of Israel and really care about the welfare of Jewish children then write a letter to Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel and demand that he stop this attack on Jewish Israeli fathers.



























“Seige on Gaza”

22 August 2014


The three great deceptions:

  • Evolution

  • Religion

  • Seige on Gaza


Lets address the 3rd.


According to the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs:


Israel allows all food and medicine into Gaza, in fact everything is permitted except weapons and items that can be used to make weapons.


In the last two years 1.7 million tons of merchandise was imported. 14328 People crossed the border in May 2014, 31% were patients and escorts who receive world class medical treatment in Israel, 30% were businessmen, 10% were internationals such as journalists, aid workers and anti-Israeli activists.

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